Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Should We Keep Funding Planned Parenthood?

The GOP—currently the dominant party—will soon get their wish to oust Planned Parenthood. Their ongoing fight against the organization will affect the health of many women in Texas due to recent state budget cuts. The health centers provide education on a variety of topics: body image, pregnancy, relationships, sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender. They also offer general health care services that include screenings, physical exams, vaccinations, etc. 

Planned Parenthood aids low-income individuals so they are able to receive medical attention. Many women and men would be left without a way to receive affordable medical treatment and education on sexual reproduction and family planning, should the federal government cut their funds from the organization. This will heavily impact the health of patients who currently attend these health clinics.

The vast majority that is against Planned Parenthood is only in opposition because of the abortion services that they provide. Of all the funding that the organization receives, only three percent is used to fund abortions. This small percentage of funding doesn’t even come from the federal government, so taxpayers that are pro-life cannot argue that their money is supporting abortions. 

There are many arguments between pro-life and pro-choice individuals, but there might be a solution. Scientists are coming up with new methods of contraception in order to reduce the amount of abortions due to unplanned pregnancies. In addition to these new methods, Texas has recently placed numerous regulations on abortions. Although I do not agree with House Bill 2 as a whole, there are many regulations set that are just. The bill allows abortions to women whose life is at risk or if the fetus has severe abnormalities and forbids abortions after 20 weeks gestation due to research revealing that a fetus can endure pain at 20 weeks development.  

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